Thursday, December 2, 2010


Cries of a poignant and delightful song
Novel but old lines
Poetry not even half started
nor can ever be wrote
Pencil sketches lightly trace
the promise of an art
in hues of black and red
T'wil never find a word
nor a colorless shade to paint its pain
arrested in a moment
as logic hits the brain
and scolds an aching heart...


It's quiet
The calm drowns my heartbeat
It's cold
The breeze rivals my breath
How comes the storm is quelled?
What peace i now brave?
Where goes the rage that made me live?

Like coal, unfanned, i lose fire
and forget to burn...


My life is in Your Hands
In the face of your might
I stand helpless
Nothing but a grain
In the long stretch of sand.

My life is in Your Hands
You bring me down, take me up
And i have no strength
a rubbish afloat the waves.

My life is in Your Hands
I cry for help, suffer the hurt
I am unheard
an echo defied by the wind.

My life is in Your Hands
You caused my pain
but cleansed my soul.

I rejoice in having nothing
in being nothing

In the face of Your power
I am stripped naked

But in my uselessness
I am most loved
most great
Like when alone on the cross


I wake to the sting
no longer to the heedless sun
unrepelled by the metallic blinds
neither to the whimper of a child
exacting unshared devotion
that in the days past curbed my warm nights

Rather that I am nagged by the burning heat
with my skin turning dark and dry
by the shrillest shout and banging noise
that tire the hands and sap the brain
than open my eyes to sleep once more
with a gentle, faceless gray shadow
that breeds the sting...